About me
Megan Callus is the owner of Boundless Breath NJ. Megan spent the last decade studying Applied Neuroanatomy and Breathwork and found the most powerful way of changing and healing the body was simply adjusting the way we breathe. She specializes in respiratory training (aka breathwork) to teach clients how to use their breath to reduce stress and heal their bodies. She focuses on neurology, biochemistry, biomechanics and psychosocial elements of breathing, teaching and utilizing practices that have been scientifically studied and verified in terms of benefits to health. In her practice, she employs different breathing techniques as well as movements that activate specific brain areas to reduce symptoms associated with health issues such as GERD, Long Covid, respiratory dysfunction (such as asthma and sleep apnea), lack of endurance, stress, anxiety, trauma and pain relief.
She teaches clients how to reduce stress, heal their bodies and build more stress tolerance using a variety of breathing techniques. Her goal is simple; help everyone discover the power and magic of their own breath!